Know More: Fave KYC
- Fave KYC is super-fast
Existing Fave customers need only complete their Fave Money signup/ registration to get started. New to Fave customers would need to complete their signup on Fave first, followed by their signup/ registration for Fave Money.
- Only PAN number is needed
As per mandated rules, we only require your PAN (permanent account number) to get started with your Fave Money registration. A quick 3 step registration would get you started on the supercharged Fave Money journey.
- No documents need to be uploaded
Existing Fave customers need only to furnish their PAN number details to get started. Digital KYC is a quick 3 step process and requires only your PAN number and a selfie to be uploaded.
- Quick and fast processing
Our seamless KYC process typically takes less than a minute, verification is instant. Get started in less than 3 minutes for your Fave Money registration and wallet setup. Fave support would be available to solve any of your queries at the mentioned email id.
- Your data is protected
With regulated encryption and KYC data infrastructure in place, your data is 100% protected and safe. Fave (Pine Labs Private Limited) has been granted authorization to issue Prepaid Payment Instruments on UPI by the Reserve Bank of India. Protection of your data and wallet information will be in 100% compliance as per mandated rules & regulation